Friday, February 19, 2016

DO NOT SIGN Developer's Petition for Oaks Initiative

Stop Noncompliant Oversized Project by NOT Signing Developer’s Initiative

Cupertino voters beware. Signing the developer's petition for Oaks Shopping Center, rejected by the City Council, in fact help promote the developer's noncompliant oversized project. Some voters have been misled to think that signing the petition for the Oaks initiative would allow them to make decisions on Oaks. Don't fall for the developer's trap. Without enough signatures, Oaks won't be on the ballot and the project remains rejected.
However, in case the developer collected enough signatures, they would be able to place the Oaks project, which does not conform to the General Plan and many other requirements, onto the ballot for voters' approval. In addition, Oaks project will be able to by pass environmental review, mitigation for traffic, schools and other infrastructure, public hearings and approval by Planning Commission and the Council.

Please help forward this important note and the flyer below to your network of friends.

Here is a summary of the proposed Oaks plan for revitalization. 

Paid for by Committee supporting Cupertino Citizens' Sensible Growth Initiative, PO Box 1132, Cupertino, CA 95015, FPPC# 1381645.

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