Saturday, March 26, 2016

DO NOT SIGN Developers' Initiatives. Revoke Your Signatures if Signed by Mistake.

 Newsupdate for and 

DO NOT SIGN Developer's Initiatives.
No matter how attractive their projects may sound. The initiative process should not be abused as a shortcut to allow oversized high density projects in Cupertino.

A large number of paid circulators for Vallco Town Center Initiative are going door to door to collect signatures from Cupertino voters.
The Vallco Town Center Initiative contains a spiral bound of 334-page Vallco Specific Plan that's NOT reviewed and NOT approved by the Council nor the Planning Commission nor the Planning Staff.

Some voters have already signed Vallco or Oaks initiatives due to misleading information provided by the circulators. If you have signed the developers' initiatives by mistake, you can still revoke your signatures. It is important that you contact to revoke your signatures.

By signing on the petition for Vallco Town Center Initiative, you agree to the following:
  • Lock in 2 million square feet of office allocation to Vallco, which raises the property value of Vallco immediately even if nothing is built.
  • Rezone the last shopping mall in Cupertino to a massive office park with only 16% of the total square footage as retail. (much less space than total occupied retail space at Vallco in 2014.)
  • Allow a massive project like Vallco Town Center to BYPASS Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and SKIP required mitigation measures for all impacts normally identified in EIR.
  • Allow a massive project like Vallco Town Center to be approved by the voters even if there might be significant unavoidable impacts on traffic, schools, police, emergency, sewage and other infrastructures.
  • Open the door for more developers to take shortcut to project approvals by abusing the initiative process.
Here are the flyers for distribution:
DO NOT SIGN - more detailed project info (some info on CCSGI):
(CCSGI = Cupertino Citizens' Sensible Growth Initiative)

DO NOT SIGN - Urbanized City: (No information on CCSGI)
BetterCupertino will host information booth at the library this weekend. You are welcome to stop by to get some flyers for distribution. Or send email to to have someone contact you on how to get flyers.

Library Information Booth this weekend:

Saturday March 26 from 2pm to 4pm
Sunday March 27 from 3pm to 4:30pm 

Together we would be able to protect our beloved Cupertino from being exploited by developers and their overseas investors for huge financial profits.

Join our team of volunteers and donate to help us reach more citizens.


Paid for by Cupertino Residents for Sensible Zoning Action Committee, PO Box 1132, Cupertino, CA 95015, FPPC #1376003

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